Friday, April 10, 2009

I have always been with my guy friends. Gimiks, Galaan, Barkada. I've been with my elder brothers and have been close with such people. I have always been amazed with their personalities and uniqueness. The way they handle things, the way they live, the way they mysteriously make up their lovelives, the way they strive to get what they want in life and so much more. But unfortunately, not all of them stood up and been man enough.

"Let's be man enough" -
I often hear this from my brother whenever he talks to guys. Being a real man is not having womEn with you, make women love you, having relationships with hundrends of them, etc. It's not measured with how many girls you had in your life. You don't have to be physically strong or to be handsome. You dont have to have your own car or have a lot of money to say you're the man.

Being a real man(for me, ofcourse, it's my blog) is being responsible. Responsible of what?

Can you remember the Adam-Eve story? When Eve ate the fruit of knowledge and had been tempted to disobey God. Eve shouldn't have eaten that if Adam was with her. Adam, as what God has told him, should be responsible not only of taking responsible of everyTHING, but as well as to be responsible of his wife. He should have been with his wife - taking responsible with the decision of whether eating the fruit or not.

But the Lord called to the man, "Where are you?"
-Genesis 3:9

The Lord called the man because was HIDING from God. Sometimes, man tend to hide and run away from their responsibilities God has bestowed to them.SOME of them tend to run and hide from their very own self, from what they feel. Sometimes, they're not assure of themselves. Like women, they do need love and feel that they have been loved but they just drive their selves crazy-telling they're not just to say they're man enough. Sometimes, they dont want to face their fears. Well, fear is always present, Having COURAGE is not. Sometimes, they just hang themselves when they're about to take risks. Sometimes, they measure life and just want to be sure of the path they're about to take. Sometimes, they didn't mean what they say. Sometimes, they unconciously ruin women's lives. They break hearts, and say their not responsible for it. Sometimes, they just see women as friends without being sensitive enough that these friends are one of the greatest responsiblity that God had given them.

Fortunately, I have brothers (biological/non-bio) who are CAPTIVATED with their responsiblities. They live not hiding with these responsibilities. They see girls as if they were their sisters - bearing in mind that they should be taken care of.

Fortunately, I have brothers who knows how to face their inside feelings, strong enough to face a 2-faced(lose or win) reality when they are about to take a risk. They're man enough to face defeat and humble enough when they won. They have courage to face their greatest defeat and stand up to fight again.

I'm not a man hater huh! I just want to express my self! heeHee! Love you guys!


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